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Spotlight on Lena Gustafson

Lena Gustafson, a multidisciplinary artist based in Oakland, California, explores themes of the human body and its internal and external landscapes through her artwork.

Embracing the Human Form

Gustafson’s artwork features figures and abstract representations that serve as a focal point for her exploration of the human experience. She is particularly interested in the intersection between the physical body and the intangible realms of spirit and inner consciousness.

Inhabiting Inner and Outer Spaces

Many of Gustafson’s subjects simultaneously inhabit the interior and exterior spaces of the body, reflecting the interconnectedness between individual identity and the broader world. Through her artwork, she seeks to convey the expansive nature of the human spirit and the profound impact of our inner worlds on external reality.

Capturing Motion and Fluidity

For Gustafson, conveying the experience of living within a body is paramount. She imbues her figures with a sense of motion and fluidity, rejecting static representations in favor of dynamic states of being. By depicting multiple states of existence within a single frame, Gustafson underscores the ever-evolving nature of human identity and perception.

Time, Observation, and Evolution

Gustafson’s use of grids and non-figurative paintings serves as a reminder of the passage of time, the act of observation, and the process of personal evolution. Through her artwork, she invites viewers to contemplate the complexities and contradictions inherent in the human experience, recognizing the body as a vessel for infinite information and understanding.


Lena Gustafson’s artistic practice is characterized by a deep exploration of the human body and its intrinsic connection to the broader world. Through her figures and abstract representations, she seeks to convey the multidimensional nature of human existence, embracing motion, fluidity, and the complexities of inner and outer landscapes. As she continues to push the boundaries of artistic expression, Gustafson’s work serves as a poignant reminder of the rich tapestry of human experience and the endless possibilities for self-discovery and understanding.

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