WhatsApp has been actively testing and developing new features that are eagerly awaited by its massive user base. While the app has rolled out significant updates in 2021, such as calls on desktop and chat transfer between iOS and Android, there are several anticipated features still in the pipeline. Let’s delve into these upcoming WhatsApp features that are expected to arrive soon.
One of the highly anticipated features on WhatsApp is Communities. This feature will allow users to create larger groups called Communities that can encompass multiple smaller WhatsApp groups. Users can link up to 10 groups under one Community, providing a streamlined way to communicate and share information with groups of similar interests. This feature is akin to Telegram channels, enabling broadcasting messages to multiple groups simultaneously.
Message Reactions
WhatsApp is also testing Message Reactions, a feature that allows users to react to messages with emojis. Similar to social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, users will be able to express their reactions using a set of emojis. This interactive feature adds a new dimension to conversations, fostering more engaging communication.
Android to iOS Chat Transfer
A highly requested feature that is expected to roll out soon is the ability to transfer WhatsApp chats between Android and iOS devices. While chat transfer from iOS to Android is already available, the reverse transfer has been eagerly awaited by users. WhatsApp is working on enabling this functionality, providing seamless chat migration across different platforms.
WhatsApp Business Search Tools
For businesses using WhatsApp, new search filters are in development to enhance visibility. These filters will allow users to easily search for businesses based on categories such as restaurants, grocery stores, and apparel. The search tool on WhatsApp will feature shortcuts for specific business categories, making it convenient for users to discover and connect with businesses.
Enhanced Control for Group Admins
WhatsApp is also focusing on empowering group admins with more control over group chats. Admins will soon have the ability to delete messages sent by participants within the group. Deleted messages will be clearly marked in the group chat, similar to WhatsApp’s existing delete feature. While this feature is still in testing, it reflects WhatsApp’s commitment to providing robust admin tools for group management.
As WhatsApp continues to evolve with these upcoming features, users can look forward to a more enriched messaging experience with enhanced functionalities and improved communication tools.
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